Heyyyy everyone. This has been a WILD week.
Tuesday morning we woke up early and piled into the 15 passenger van with Brother Christensen,Hermana Eastwood, Hermana Lapine, Elder Nez Elder Motes Elder Stange Elder Van Valkenburg, Sister Curtis and I, and left for transfers!!
Tuesday morning we woke up early and piled into the 15 passenger van with Brother Christensen,Hermana Eastwood, Hermana Lapine, Elder Nez Elder Motes Elder Stange Elder Van Valkenburg, Sister Curtis and I, and left for transfers!!
While there I found out some elders have an investigator who
somehow gets and saves all my pictures off facebook (I swear my security
settings are on)... And several other people in the mission I hardly know seem
to know me. I guess I've been here long enough, right? Lol
Transfer meeting was great though because I saw my friend
Jaleta from Sparta who has decided to serve a mission! I also was able to say
goodbye to Sister Cotton who went home, and meet my new granddaughter because
my trainee Sister Kohler is training!!
The day after transfers I was whisked away for exchanges
with some sisters (such is the sister training leader life) and we had a blast!
I was with sister Herbert and Bishop and get this, we had to ride the bus
EVERYWHERE. It was awesome!! Aside from getting really carsick, everyone is
forced to listen to you because... Well they're stuck sitting there. I made a
lot of new friends and contacted lots of new people! One of the highlights
being a young couple I am now teaching on facebook, and a cute mom named Shayla
Also there are creepy people here that like to tell you
you're pretty, ask for your age, and then question if you'll be at the sports
illustrated swim suit model show-down on Broadway later. Ummm no.
We did meet some awesome normal people though!
The Sisters have an investigator who works at Panera that
they said had been avoiding them. I told the investigator when I met her I was
only there for the day, but I'd be back for her baptism. She said she was
working on it, but had to quit smoking first, so maybe give her a years time. So I
asked why she was letting cigarettes come between her and God. The sisters were
pretty shocked I said that... lol. But hey, it totally worked! They set a
return for lunch the next day and are now planning on her baptism!
We had another miracle with a less active later that night. After dinner with members they told us about someone we should go see. When we knocked on this lady's door she didn't want us to teach her or anything. As she was shutting the door I found myself offering a prayer for her family. She hesitated, obviously not wanting to talk to us any longer but also not wanting to be rude. She finally complied. Then something cool happened, she invited us inside! And then she had her family come meet us! And then they all knelt down and we all prayed together! Something told me that was one of the first times a family prayer had been said in that home in a long time. After the prayer we all felt the spirit :). Only later did we see that she was on the wards "do not contact" list. God works in mysterious ways!
When I got back with Sister Oldroyd she told me that the mom
named Shayla I met the other day on the bus sat by her yesterday! I was so
excited because I didn't get the chance to give Shayla any of our material or
information- But I guess Sister Oldroyd didn't realize that so she never gave
her any either. I was bummed. Then guess who came walking on the bus right as we
spoke? Shayla!! I told her about the moms in the Book of Mormon and gave
her a pamphlet on it and she was interested! I hope we see her again.
We spent some time tracting in one of the
"smaller" neighborhoods this week. I say that in quotations because
the houses here are what they call "mini-mansions". Everyone here is
dripping with wealth and it's crazy. They have to do traffic control on
Sundays for all the huge churches these people attend. Did I mention
everything's huge and expensive? Oh and let me tell you, while tracting we met
the parents of Hunter Hayes' ex girlfriend. I guess she's a big deal and opens
shows for Blake Shelton and stuff, Hunter Hayes' song "Storm Warning"
was written for her. According to her, he's actually kind of a jerk. We
also live near Carrie Underwood, my companion left her a pamphlet the other
day. Oh and Rascal Flats are here. And the elders just tracted into Taylor Swift's banjo player. David Archuleta teaches gospel doctrine in the YSA and
Nathan Pacheco just moved from the ward but don't worry the producers of the
EFY music are still attending here. So yeah, that's Nashville. It's awesome. I
can't wait to get some pictures of downtown Nashville for ya'll once we aren't
iced in.
Lots of this week was going around and getting to know the
members in the ward. I just want to say I'm grateful to be well rounded. I used
to complain I wasn't great at any thing I was just okay at most things... But
on my mission it's been a huge blessing because I understand Pokemon and Doctor Who, I
can speak interior decorating and appreciate skiing, I get the anatomy the
doctors are talking about and I can keep up with the sports stuff and the music
groups. It's just nice because all these random things I thought were pointless
give me common ground with these people and it's just pretty powerful.
Friday at 3am I woke up puking, and continued multiple times every hour until about 11. I couldn't get out of bed all day it was awful. We told president we were staying in because I was sick and his response was: "Broken heart? Missing Paducah? Tell her I hope she gets better soon." Man, I love him. He knows me too well! Come 7:00pm the zone leaders popped in and gave me a blessing. It was the biggest tender mercy to have two Christ-like sets of hands promising me strength and in the blessing I was promised I could work the next day, so I held God to that ;)
Friday at 3am I woke up puking, and continued multiple times every hour until about 11. I couldn't get out of bed all day it was awful. We told president we were staying in because I was sick and his response was: "Broken heart? Missing Paducah? Tell her I hope she gets better soon." Man, I love him. He knows me too well! Come 7:00pm the zone leaders popped in and gave me a blessing. It was the biggest tender mercy to have two Christ-like sets of hands promising me strength and in the blessing I was promised I could work the next day, so I held God to that ;)
Okay so Saturday I spaced on it being Valentine's Day on
account of being sick but I'm just grateful I was able to get out and work as
promised! I still felt terrible but I was well enough to preach the gospel
:) [hoping it was food poisoning so she wasn't blessing everyone she ran in to with the stomach flu virus!]
We had a lesson with Jeff which I never want to forget. He
found the sisters on the bus and actually started talking to them! I guess his
opening line was: "are ya'll nuns??". A week later he called them to
say he was taking the challenge to see if the Book of Mormon was true (this was his own
idea) and then like four days later he called again to say he knew that it was.
Currently he's in the book of Jacob and is completely doctrinally converted,
now he's just waiting on the social. There was a point in the lesson when he
got kind of emotional and told us and our members "you know, I've been
looking for you guys for a long time". He's just so ready. I don't really
get why I'm allowed to see things like this Haha. They're too amazing!
So we had a miracle knocking on the wrong door trying to
find a lady we weren't actually supposed to see and met Robin, someone who is
looking for a new church. The reason I include this is because in all my past
areas I would take people like this for granted. But here in Nashville they are
like a needle in a haystack. I remember my good friend Elder Lovell writing me
before I came out and telling me that serving in the south was all about
finding the truth seekers. They are rare but they're there. It's not until now
that I understand what he meant.
Church was awesome on Sunday because It's a real life ward
and I didnt even know what to do with myself! Everyone is really rich and
awesome. Lol. Jeff came! And Tasha another investigator, and a less active guy
who hadn't been in 5 years!
I also got to Skype in Lisa's baptism and that was
amazing :).
Like I mentioned last week about Faith and Fear... I was at first kind of afraid of being
in this area with this companion. But then one night when I was praying I
was reminded that faith and fear can't both be together in the same place,
and that right now I'm being ruled by fear instead of faith. A lot of people
are counting on me to make a difference here, including Heavenly Father. I
recognize that everything I've learned this past year has been preparing me for
this moment. I know it was pre ordained. I know there are miracles to be had
and something great for this companionship, this area, and myself. That's why
it's so hard.
I love you all! I hope you have a wonderful week!
Sister Jennifer Hochstrasser
Write me!
New address for the at least Feb and March:
NASHVILLE TN 37211-7289
or Sister Jennifer Hochstrasser
Tennessee Nashville Mission
105 West Park DR Ste 190
Brentwood, TN 37027
or DearElder.com
I love you all! I hope you have a wonderful week!
Sister Jennifer Hochstrasser
Write me!
New address for the at least Feb and March:
NASHVILLE TN 37211-7289
or Sister Jennifer Hochstrasser
Tennessee Nashville Mission
105 West Park DR Ste 190
Brentwood, TN 37027
or DearElder.com
It's inspirational and exciting to hear the lessons your mission exposes to you; highs, lows and all the in between. Hopefully you're feeling up to snuff again. We love you always.