Today we went and hung out with all the sister downtown,
which was so fun, but didn't leave me much time to put together a good email
for ya'll... So bear with me!
First off, it's a problem serving in the city. I just love
it so much! Big beautiful houses, fancy stores, all the best food places....
Haha. Not your average mission or life style to say the least! We had to go to
the mall the other day to get our phone fixed. While we waited we did some
store contacting. It was so fun because it's totally something any member of
the church can do! It starts off with striking up a friendly conversation, then
slipping in something about your own religious lifestyle. Then they will ask a
question about it because they don't understand, then you introduce your church
and tell them a little about it. Then if they're interested, you give them the
church address and tell them to check out! Or in our case, we give
them our number and set an appointment haha. We went into a fancy shoe store
and talked with the sales lady there. "You've changed my whole view on
Mormons!" She told us by the end.
My invitation to all of you is to reach beyond yourself
while in public places and say hi to everyone. Look for the good in others and
compliment them on it! Ask them a question, do SOMETHING friendly to break that
barrier and then if God wills, you'll be given a missionary opportunity right
there :). You could very well change someone's life just by a friendly
As a side note, I also have a knack for convincing all my
companions to buy something that I think they look good in... Lol. I wonder if
I could get a job as a shoe sales person and give all my clients pass along
cards? Do you think they'd allow that? Anyway...
A year ago on the 10th of March, Sister Oldroyd
and I were coming in to Nashville as MTC companions, anxious and curious of
what would lie ahead for the next year and a half. It was fun to look back and now
see ourselves in Nashville meeting with Elder Keys and Elder Rumsey (the zone
leaders) preparing trainings for our zone meeting and discussing the needs of
those we serve as if we know what we're doing. I mean, I still don't really get
it, but I've gotten better! Lol
Our first zone meeting went really well. I trained on how to
work with members and we got to give all the missionaries their new iPads and
kick them off Facebook for a little bit. Then I got to take one of the sisters
back to my area to work with me for exchanges. I actually had 2 exchanges this
week. Both with Samoan sisters... So you can imagine it was a blast ;). On
exchanges it's become a tradition for me to make chocolate chip pancakes for
breakfast and my mom’s fajitas for lunch. They're famous now! Haha
Hermana Lavou taught me some Tahitian dance moves as part of
our morning workout. LOL
One of the sisters in the zone asked me for some advice on
this boy she's writing. It was a neat experience to watch the Lord work through
me to help her get the revelation she needs. I drew her a picture of a triangle
with God at the top. I explained that if she's working towards God, and so is
he, they will end up together if it's God's will. But, if all they do is focus
on each other, then they will end up together but not as close to God. It made
a lot more sense when I said it in the moment than now haha. The main thing is
just the lesson I learned about how I can be an instrument for the Lord in
helping these sisters, not just my investigators.
A great highlight of the week was doing family history with
Domnecia.I was on exchanges and we had to find a member to take us and our investigator
to the family history center in Franklin. We finally found Jered, an RM sister,
to agree to help. When she arrived to pick us all up, she was in a tiny little
sports car. Here's the struggle though: Domnecia couldn't find a baby sitter,
and had to take her son. None of us are very small, so we had to literally cram
in the back. Hermana Lavou is a lot bigger than me, so I had her sit behind
Jered. There was only 2 seat belts so I had Domnecias son sit on the other
side, and I fit one side of me in the middle and sort of laid on top of
everyone, and Domnecia squished herself in the front. It's like a half hour
drive there so you can imagine I was grateful to get adjusted at the
chiropractor today lol. When we got to the family history center it was apparently
the region wide volleyball tournament so there were kids running around
everywhere! It was chaos! The family history people didn't really know how to
help our investigator, so I just tried to pretend like this was all normal and
not make this a bad experience for her....oh brother.
My mission just makes me really grateful that life is for
living and learning. The atonement was given as a gift to protect us from our
mistakes- and let us learn from others! In church this Sunday we sang "I
Stand All Amazed" and this line really hit me: "That he should extend
his great love unto such as I Sufficient to own, to redeem, and to
justify"…I hadn't thought about it much before, but his "great
love" or in other words, his atonement, is something that is sufficient
for us to own. As children of God we literally own the atonement. It is always
accessible to us no matter where we are in life. I am so in awe that this
atonement is sufficient enough to redeem me, and to justify me! As a
missionary, I get to teach people how they can apply the atonement through
Christ's restored gospel. His atonement is healing, redeeming, enabling, and
purifying. I am so grateful!
We had a miracle this week where my companion had a
prompting to go tract a certain street. When we started, one of the houses told
us the Elders had just been there last night, and we probably shouldn't knock
the neighborhood again. Disappointed, we called the elders to ask them about
it. They told us that really, they had only knocked on one door, the first one
we had knocked on! Elder Ashton remembered that that was the street where he
had a strong prompting to knock a specific house, but the people standing
outside it kind of blew them off so he didn't bother. We determined that this
was the reason we felt inspired to tract that street just the next day, and
went back. With excitement to see what miracle lay before us, we knocked on the
door and out came Ryan! Ryan is the coolest person ever and gladly accepted a
Book of Mormon. We stood on that door step and taught and testified with more
power than ever. Sister Oldroyd and I just knew that the reason it was such a
successful contact was because we had so much FAITH going into it. We knew in
advance because of both sets of missionaries promptings that it was going to be
good- and it was! I just know that if we went to every door with that much
excitement and faith, we could have that much success every time!
We drove home that night blasting "My Call to
Serve" with all the windows down, so pumped to be missionaries :)
I sure love ya'll!
Write to me!!
Sister Jennifer Hochstrasser
Tennessee Nashville Mission
105 West Park Dr Ste 190
Brentwood, TN 37027
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